Porn Surfing Tricks!

Sat, Jun 11 2005 4:36
the pretender
South of France
Posts 6
Hi everyone

first tips:

CAUTION firefox only:
Sometimes on the web you can find acces to Open Directorys of websites; but there's most of the time a huge list of links!
with this tip you'll be able to watch all the pics in the links in one action!

- 1°: go to manage your bookmarks and créate a new bookmark!

- 2°: name the new bookmark OPEN DIRECTORY

- 3°: Paste this code line in the adress tab: javascript:var shtml=%22<html><head><title>gallery</title><body><center><table border=0>%22;var y=0;for(x=0;x<document.links.length;x++){a=document.links[x].href; if (a.match(/jpe|jpeg|jpg|bmp|tiff|tif|bmp|gif|png/i)){shtml+='<td style=%22border-style:solid;border-width:1px%22><a target=%22_new%22 href=%22'+a+'%22><img border=%220%22 width=%22100%22 src=%22'+a+'%22></a></td>'; if (!((x+1)%5)) shtml+=%22</tr><tr>%22}};this.innerhtml=shtml+%22</table></center></body></html>%22;

- 4°: Validate the new bookmark and move it to the quicklaunch link bar ( under the adress bar)!

- 5°: when youre  in an open directory just click once on it and a web page will be generated showing you all the pics !

Hope this will help you saving time!

second tips:

how to download all the pics from a web site!

- 1°: get Teleport pro ( teleport pro )!

- 2°: open teleport and choose new project wizard

- 3°: in the settings choose search a website for a file of certain type!

- 4°:  set the rest as you want!

- 5°: Download now!


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