
mouseover Java popup - how to save pic
Surfing Tips
I'm sure I could right click & save but the simple problem is that when I move away from the thumbnail to go to the popup picture the picture disappears again... not tried any plugins as I try a simple solution at first. but if no other ideas I'll go for that...
Viewing porn
Surfing Tips
yeah, that's the lightbox plugin I was talking about. Interesting to hear it got integrated in later version. I'll check it out (was looking for similar feature in other progs since many years. thanks. BTW in the Opera browser you can quickly download all linked documents (e.g. a whole gallery set) using the "Links" function. That shows all links leading away from the current site. you then just need to select the pix or vids and download them at once. :-)
Who's this blonde with Kelly Madison
Teen Girls
Anyone knows who's this blonde in this Kelly Madison set?


anybody seen that girl?
Teen Girls

She has her own website, but it is not loading properly for me.  Heres the link.

For more results, you may try Google.  There are some more pictures there, too.

hahaha... that one is from a lady born in 1941... *lol*

Who's this girl?
Teen Girls
Dont know who she is but I found this link for her (I guess it's the same set)