Greenfish Icon Editor Pro

Sat, Nov 10 2012 21:57
Posts 4,142
Retired Moderator

As a prequil to an upcoming tutorial I'd like to put this software up for review. It's freeware and as far as I can tell the best of it's kind.

It enables you to easily create and save icons for Windows (and recently Mac). Though, if your making standard 256x256 icons I suggest using a secondary image editor like Photoshop or Paint to manually resize before pasting into Greenfish.

Anyone with a spare moment, look it over and give some feedback!

Note: Pay attention during the install, Cnet likes to include toolbars and homepage changes. Just opt out by unchecking boxes or not agreeing to terms.

Mon, Nov 12 2012 6:25
sunny south coast
Posts 1,573

Thought you'd gone Linux ??

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