The harms of Porn on the brain. WAKE UP!

Thu, Oct 23 2014 12:10
Posts 31

First of all, hello everyone.

Note : this message concerns only those who are very addicted to porn and masturbation, not to those who are only moderately addicted without impacting their daily lives.

I am here to WAKE YOU UP! You have to reclaim your masculinity, your birthright!
The so-called "experts" on sex and relationships have deceived you!

I wanted to tell you guys something that is important, it's about the harms of masturbation and pornography on the brain and body.

Contemporary doctors and psychologists usually say it's healthy...let me just tell you this : they DO NOT know what they are talking about, they simply don't have the perspective of a porn addict and they lack critical data. Porn viewing is linked to less grey matter in the brain, check the latest research. Porn also causes ED, you wouldn't want to get a girl in bed and not being able to get it up would you?

I know masturbation very well, and did it for almost a decade, I know what it does to people. And I am here to WARN YOU!

Semen is very important to the body, full of useful nutrients. Ever wondered how it would feel keeping it inside?

Quitting masturbation and pornography has been the best thing I've done for myself in the last few years. Most people don't realize how harmful it can be. I personally can't believe how much time I wasted on these things. After I stopped I felt so much better it was amazing!

Here are some of the benefits of abstaining from both masturbation and porn for a few weeks :
- Feelings of well-being. Being calmer. Easier to laugh, less anger.
- Feeling MORE pleasure from everyday activities, this benefit is amazing.
- More appreciation for art, music, video games.
- More creativity. The sense of humor comes back.
- Better memory. Better ability to concentrate. Less brain fog.
- More natural confidence, less social anxiety.
- Easier to give up other addictions (smoking, too much caffeine, gaming, thinking about someone of the opposite sex).
- More motivation to do important things.
- Music becomes more pleasurable. In fact, music tastes could even change.
- Less sleep is needed.
- Easier to talk, less stutter.
- Being able to remember dreams.
- Less sexual problems, better erections.
- Feeling emotions more strongly, like love for example.
- Emotionally more resilient.
- The skin will look younger, less acne.
- More physical strength.
- A deeper voice.
- A stronger immune system.
- Much more attracted to the opposite sex (in a good way).
- More interested in the little things.

Note : Most people who quit get these benefits, but some need more time to be cured.
Note 2 : Beware the withdrawal symptoms in the first few days (irritability, loss of motivation. maybe crying...)

Here are lots of testimonials of people who quit (imo a MUST-READ) :

Do not hesitate to share this message to other people and forums.

Useful links :
Yourbrainonporn :
NoFap :
Yourbrainrebalanced :

Message to the moderator :
If you enjoy porn or erotica, then good for you. But think about the people addicted to it, the people suffering from it, who masturbate multiple times a day while not being able to get an erection from their sexual partners and neglecting their jobs.

If someone masturbates to porn once a week or so, then they are not concerned by this message.

Hope it helped.

Sat, Oct 25 2014 9:27
Posts 60

I get "more physical strength" from not beatin' the meat? That's bull. You should see my left arm; it's ripped.

Sun, Oct 26 2014 16:48
Still a Nomad
Posts 418

Oh, Phenix. Poor, poor Phenix.

This is a joke right? Maybe not, since you spent so much time and used so many words to write it. Let's assume you're serious. I still shouldn't be giving you the time of day, but if I can save one Peachy member from believing this gullible nonsense, this reply will have served its purpose.

Normally I hear this kind of lunacy from fundamentalist Christians who base their belief system on stories written in ancient times when superstition was as rampant as a lack of logic. But you don't mention a higher power anywhere in your post, so let's assume you're basing this solely on what you've read on the Internet, or personally felt while mindlessly succumbing to a placebo effect.

You remind me of people who believe in “alternative” medicine like chugging pomegranate juice, popping bee pollen capsules or merrily subjecting themselves to coffee enemas. You remind me of people who believe that home births are far better than having babies in those icky hospitals, which offer women pain relief and keep them from possibly bleeding to death. Others? That every word of the bible is true, despite the multitude of contradictions inside. That conspiracy theorists are always right. That vaccinating your children is wildly dangerous. That going outside with wet hair can make you sick. I think you get the idea.

Can masturbation or internet pron be a problem for some people? Well, if it's in the DSM (do you even know what that is?), then yeah, I might accept it at some level. I say “some level” because it wouldn't include a side effect such as a weakened immune system. Also, I'm sighing right now as I notice that nowhere in your post do you mention having any medical credentials. That means you're just blindly rejecting science and feeling a superiority over experts in related fields. And I don't see any actual medical references to back up your claims, such as the “research” you say is available to show that watching pron and/or masturbating leads to a shrinking brain. Maybe you're assuming I'm dumb enough to automatically believe you. All you point to are more testimonials and websites like Reddit. Really? Reddit? 

I've been lucky enough to spend 15 years reading studies in publications including JAMA. (Look it up.) Not one that I've seen has backed up your claims. But you don't even need access to this research to know how ridiculous your post is. Do you really need to aggressively avoid spilling your “nutrient”-rich seed? I hope everyone reading this, including you, know that your semen reserves are constantly being replenished. This is proven by the fact you can ejaculate multiple times a day, every day, and never run dry. My record is masturbating six times in one day. Why did I do that? I said to myself, “Well, my gf-is-working (now my wife), so I might as well have some fun. Another record is having sex with my wife seven times in 15 hours, and trust me, there was still ejaculate present during that final, glorious act of love. I would be irresponsible to leave out the fact that, whether after masturbation or sex with my beautiful better half, I remain creative, stutter-free, quite motivated and have zero anxiety. In fact, during those times, and as of right now, I'm quite healthy and happy. 31 years of masturbation. No problems. 

Many fine people, including myself, can masturbate frequently and still stand at the ready when they go anywhere near their significant others. I've masturbated twice today, and just two hours ago, my wife simply gave me a long, intimate hug and I was starting to get a full erection. If some guys don't have this ability, it's due to psychological factors or biological irregularities, not self-pleasure.

It's scientifically proven that ejaculating, whether through masturbation or coitus, releases hormones including dopamine and oxytocin, which are linked to pleasure. In addition, the pituitary gland releases beta-endorphins, which decrease pain. Google a few reputable sources and you'll see for yourself. I don't have to add the references like you should have done... I'm not the one making outrageous claims. 

People have a tendency to remain gullible despite the ever-growing mountain of answers coming out of scientific research. Centuries ago, people were killed for saying the earth was round and that it orbited around the sun. But to this day, the Flat Earth Society still has members. Desperation also makes people turn a blind eye to science. Two examples: fad diets and penis-enlargement potions. Want to experience the Medicine Show of the 21 st century? It's the belief that a pill or lotion can grow one specific part of your body.

One more source of gullibility is being introduced to a “fact” by uneducated or devious people. It's absolutely astounding how many of them have Photoshopped images thought to be true by a large portion of the masses. My favorite is a fake photo of a long piece of faces-type material that was said to be undigested food stuck in someone's intestines. If I remember correctly, the photo was used as an attempt to keep people from eating meat. If you think about this for a second, logic tells you the digestive system is the body's own cleansing device. It miraculously washes any undigested food out of your body. Why hasn't this photo and its related frightening concept been proven by any actual invasive or non-invasive means? If this concept was true, you'd hear about it outside of an e-mail forward or on Reddit. Yeah. Reddit.

I can easily include more fake bullet points to the ones you breathlessly listed in your post, and people would believe those too. Let's see... how about shinier hair? How about improved hearing and sight? How about gradually gaining the ability to attain fluorescence? I wish one of the benefits could be losing naivete.

Dearest Phenix, I'm not writing this trying to get you to stop clinging to your beliefs. That never works. I just want others to know that there's another side to this bizarre idea, and it's based on logic and science. Medical experts read concepts like yours and just shake their head. You said abstaining gives you feelings of well-being. You know what gives me feelings of well-being? Not having to read garbage like this.

Orgasms are awesome. I have spoken.

Sun, Oct 26 2014 20:11
Will E Worm
The Midwest
Posts 478
Thu, Nov 20 2014 16:11
Posts 1,460

Last Sunday the padre would not accept my confession and gift in the gloryhole booth. Maybe I should use my time for better things.

Sun, Nov 30 2014 6:33
sunny south coast
Posts 1,573

Come on Mike, only time you go to church is to climb the tower for a better view!.  Nice one gf, bet that stopped you fiddling for a while(sic). Drum

Tue, Dec 2 2014 6:13
Still a Nomad
Posts 418

Yeah, that reply was a quite long. I write a lot to burn off steam. Plus, gullible/misinformed people irritate me sometimes.

Wed, Dec 3 2014 12:13
Posts 147
Sat, Dec 6 2014 6:22
Still a Nomad
Posts 418

You are correct. We don't. Plus, almost all studies are b.s. anyway. They are either 1) funded by a company or conducted by a company 2) aren't conducted properly on humans or conducted on a different species like rats and 3) even if a study leads to nothing more than a broad hypothesis, the results are butchered by the news so badly, the public is highly misled. 

My favorite study came to the newsroom with the headline "Blueberries are good for your brain." I worked backward from that article, which was based on an Associated Press article that read "Blueberries MIGHT be good for your brain." I worked backward from that to find the actual study from a medical journal.

Turns out the scientists had injected a high concentration of blueberry stuff into rats. The rats ended up doing better getting out of a maze. But there was no control group. There was only a small amount of rats in the study. Rats aren't humans. Even if humans wanted that same concentration of blueberry stuff, they would have to eat more than an oil drum full of blueberries.

The scientists put the study in the journal for peer review, hoping for more studies down the road. But that doesn't make for a good news story. So news writers create something interesting out of these studies. And even if they include the caveats, a lot of readers don't read all the way through to find out about the caveats. Just like what would happen in that Wired article.


(Yes, I know I just ranted about that on Peachy. So I'll create a more appropriate headline: "Busty Naked Teen Rolls Around In Blueberry Juice While Getting Fvcked in the @ss by a Stud Wearing a Furry-Fetish Blueberry Costume." 

Sat, Dec 6 2014 11:49
Posts 1,630

this all was difficult to masterbate to, but somehow i managed...

Sun, Dec 7 2014 8:29
Posts 1,460

just ate blueberries. I can't comment.

Sun, Dec 7 2014 11:42
Still a Nomad
Posts 418

Here's another headline:
"Hot MILF Feels Guilty About Masturbating Until Her Daughter's Boyfriend Walks In. Game On."

Tue, Dec 30 2014 4:26
sunny south coast
Posts 1,573

Hi, GF. Just go by the old adage......A little bit of what you fancy does you that food or sex. Drum

Mon, Feb 16 2015 9:01
Posts 31

Hello again everyone, sorry for my absence.

The "friendzone" is usually caused by masturbation. Masturbation sometimes attracts bullying. Porn will destroy your soul. Here are many testimonials about the GREAT benefits of quitting porn and masturbation, this is a MUST-READ :

Low spiritual vibrations = depression, loving metal music, porn, piercings, tatoos, low quality sex, violent behavior when stressed, taking naked selfies, feeling the need to insult others, drugs etc...

Being on the lower spiritual plane is like having major myopia, you do not "see", you cannot see the "real beauty" of the world, the faces of women, art, "higher" music for instance.

Remember how much happier you were when you were a kid? Small things delighted you, everybody loved you, you were happy from the moment you woke up to the moment you went to sleep.

Chronic masturbators usually attract people of the same spiritual plane, everywhere, even on the internet. So of course many of you think everybody masturbates.

Have a nice day.


Mon, Feb 16 2015 9:04
Posts 31

Of course I am a "religious nut", a "fundamentalist" if I do not agree with you.

I hope the best.

Mon, Feb 16 2015 10:50
Posts 60

Low spiritual vibrations.... ha ha ha. Everything you say is so funny. But seriously, I do feel sorry for the man who thinks himself the shepherd, never realising himself to be nothing but a sheep. 

Mon, Feb 16 2015 11:00
Still a Nomad
Posts 418

Correlation does not imply causation.

I don't think you're a "religious nut." I understand you're coming at this from a physical/inner spiritual standpoint, but I believe you're using opinion with no medical facts to back it up. Refer back to those five words above. And refer back to them again.

I would like to make one thing very clear to you: while you will never convince me that you're correct in any way, I indeed appreciate you posting here; sharing an opinion that is not my own. Knowing the "other side" of ANYTHING leads to a more well-rounded life. And it works wonders on a social level.

Mon, Feb 16 2015 11:01
Posts 31

Ever heard of Projection is Psychology?

Mon, Feb 16 2015 11:04
Posts 31

Convince you?

Science is not advanced enough to grasp the cosmic phenomena surrounding masturbation. Talking to long-time porn addicts about spirituality is the same as describing colors to a blind person.

Have a nice day.

Mon, Feb 16 2015 11:17
Still a Nomad
Posts 418

Science will never catch up to theories. There are numerous writings on the subject. 

My favorite comes from "Why I Became an Athiest: A Former Preacher Rejects Christianity" by John W. Loftus. He touches on this topic, as well as various aspects of philosophy. It's a very balanced book, although it's way too long.  

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